Borsa universale
Minelab borsa sacca da trasporto Metal Detector universale
Garrett borsa sacca trasporto Metal detector per serie ACE e AT
Acquista online la Sacca Mimetica 46\" Garrett - Metal Detector Italia
Transport bag for Metal detectors of any size.
Borsa per metal detector
Sacca di Trasporto
・Holds any fully assembled Garrett metal detector
・Made of soft, leather-like material with felt-like interior
・50 inches long; reinforced-nylon carrying straps
・Two zippered pockets: 10-by-15-inches and 8-by-7-1/2-inches
説明: This carry bag is made of reinforced polyester, and measures approximately 50" in length with two zipper pockets. Also includes a convenient shoulder strap and carrying handles with padded handpad for comfort. Sized to hold any current Garrett detector without removing the search coil.
カテゴリー: 金属探知機
高さ: 38.1 センチ
幅: 31.8 センチ
奥行: 4.3 センチ
重量: 0.7 Kg
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